Quality work, fair pricing & efficiency.
You need these 3 things to make your dream home a reality.
1. Quality work
An experienced guide
Building your custom home requires that a near-endless number of decisions be made. Hanley Construction has the experience to guide you through your options to making the best choices without sacrificing quality.
Attention to detail
Through decades of working with the area’s most talented and demanding designers, you can be confident … have absorbed their principles and pay attention to every detail.
We know how rafter tails should be evenly spaced but turn outside corners symmetrically, we know how to treat the baseboards at the inside corners of bullnosed walls. So if the designers haven’t worked out every last detail and every tricky corner, we will. We know when full-scale mockups on the job should be undertaken, to sculpt the exact proportions of a light cove fascia, or to determine the exact color and texture of an exterior plaster finish.
A highly-skilled workforce
From the outset, our job superintendent will have an intimate familiarity with every aspect of the construction documents. Over the years, we have put together a team of highly accomplished subcontractors, all of whom are held to the highest standards of their trades. On certain jobs, we have had to coordinate the work of many different designers with competing visions and concerns: an architect, a landscape architect, an interior designer, a lighting consultant, a pool designer. While some of this work may be outside the scope of our own contract, our concern for the client’s ultimate satisfaction requires us to pay attention to everything.
An enjoyable process for you
Humor and confidence can help make this process – which at first may seem stressful and overwhelming – actually enjoyable. Our goal is for our clients to enjoy not only the finished product, but also the process itself.
2. Fair pricing
Keeping your budget a reality
As your plans evolve, it is essential to have input from a qualified general contractor, so that your initial stated budget remains a reality.
Cost-saving measures
Hanley Construction actively helps stay within that budget through value-engineering, and cost-saving measures.
A realistic scope of work
There is nothing more heartbreaking than when (after many months of obtaining the necessary design approvals and the expense of detailed construction drawings) a project is abandoned because the budget proved inadequate. It is far better to stake out a scope of work that is realistic, from the earliest stages.
Staying on budget
Hanley Constuction helps you stay on-budget by undertaking your project on a cost-plus basis. While it is possible to offer competitive “firm-price” bids, you should bear in mind that for such bids to be truly accurate, the construction documents must be phenomenally detailed and complete – with exact specifications for every fixture and fitting – in order to avoid endless change orders.
A fully-bonded, insured workforce
Hanley Construction is fully-bonded, licensed, and insured. All of our workmen (and those of our subcontractors) have workmen’s compensation insurance.
3. An efficient time frame
Time is money
Time is money. Hanley Construction has the experience and relationships to help your project delivery date stay on-time.
Focus on your project
Hanley Construction never undertakes more projects than we can handle efficiently at any given time.
Expedition of the permit approval process
While the obtaining of all necessary permits is typically the responsibility of design professionals, our excellent reputation with the planning staff for the City of Del Mar and the Rancho Santa Fe Art Jury – based on past successful projects – has often expedited the approval process. Once the permits are in hand, we hit the ground running.
Responsive contractors
Because our carefully selected team of subcontractors depends on us for repeat work, they are always responsive. Except for weather delays, your job site will never stand idle and deserted. From our many years of experience, we know exactly how to schedule the different trades, so as to stimulate progress and avoid damage to any finish materials. Unlike many contractors today, who essentially broker everything, we maintain our own small crew of versatile well-trained craftsmen, who can quickly accomplish those tasks necessary to bridge between major trades.
Excellent working relationships with inspectors
From having worked repeatedly in the same jurisdictions, we have excellent working relationships with all local building officials, so that the required inspections can be scheduled and cleared in a timely manner.